RTR Active and Verification Survey Sagging
RTR’s survey department has been involved with multiple transmission development projects in both “active” and “verification” of transmission line conductor sagging. Our role is to assist on-site construction company survey “saggers” in actively placing the conductor bundle to the correct sag elevation. This first step in the 2 step process involves multiple field determined calculations based upon the current temperature, design length between structures, weather conditions, etc. to assist/verify the conductor bundles are near their final position(s). The second step (after the contractor surveyor instructs the linemen to “clip out” or secure the conductor) is to verify the sag in each phase of the line by robotically surveying the center point of each line with a reflector-less laser. Temperature is applied and the computed results are compared to the existing amount of survey sag deflection vs. the design sag chart.
RTR incorporates a suite of self-designed cloud based apps for all of our field work. The field conditions data (weather, wind speed and direction, temperature, etc.) and survey data are automatically uploaded to a secure server. The results are then automatically sorted and calculated with draft results often being generated the same day using customized Excel spreadsheets to populate field app data. The results are then automatically pushed to a secure web-page (see photo) displaying sag locations on a map. The web page allows project managers to view the segments collected and the line sag status in real-time.
Working this way RTR surveyors are able to collect power line sag data and create the required reports with zero note taking, redundant data entry or calculations and with maximum efficiency.
Please contact our survey department for more information, pricing and availability.